Is what you do worth writing about?
Have you ever considered that everything worthwhile that has come from the mind of man has at some time been committed to writing?...
Great LinkedIn Profiles and CVs can be a life changers!
This is pretty much a follow on from my article on profiles in general, but which dealt primarily with the Business Profile. A Business...
A Professional Profile could build your business - or even change your life!
Few people realise the significance of having a professionally written profile. Whether it is that vitally important Business profile,...
Building your business online is all about professional presence
There are many ways to build a business online. Digital and Social Media marketing is a vast and quite complex subject. What this...
Eat the e-book Elephant a blog at a time
You see it all the time. You land on a website and they are offering a great looking e-book (generally a much smaller version of a...
Making money through 'word of media'
Its official, the new ‘word of mouth’ is ‘word of media!’ This doesn’t mean that word of mouth referrals are dead ...these are, according...